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small standing mobiles
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brass and aluminum with steel wires Oil and acrylic colors 8" X 17" X 8" (2011)

Brass and aluminum with steel wires Oil and acrylic colors 4" X 6" X 6" (2016)

Modern Movement
Brass and aluminum with steel wires Oil and acrylic colors 8" X 4 1/2" X 4" (2014)

Brass and aluminum with steel wires. Oil color. 11" X 13" X 10" (2014)

Simple Plan
Brass and aluminum with steel wires Oil and acrylic colors 10" X 10" X 7" (2013)

Dej Vu
Brass and aluminum with steel wires Oil and acrylic colors 8 1/2" X 13" X 7" (2013)
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